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GalleryPaper Baskets and Vessels
Technique These large baskets and vessels are made from a mixture of abaca and cotton paper pulp. The pulp is dyed into a spectrum of individual colors, then each color (or a mixture of colors for a tweed-like effect) is inlaid and shaped by hand into the intended design. Each basket and vessel is double-walled for strength which allows the artist to create different designs on the exterior and interior of the shape. After the wet pulp dries, additional paper-formed embellishments (dots, disks, tubes) are added for a rich textural surface. If you are interested in these and/or other paper baskets and vessels for an exhibition or to purchase, please contact Carolyn at Dahlstudio@aol.com. All images and text are protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Carolyn A. Dahl. Dahlstudio@aol.com. |